The Breakthrough

Don't let automation hold you back any longer. Take the leap toward success today! Contact us to learn more about how HARMONIC LEAP can transform your organization and propel you toward unprecedented achievements. Together, we'll revolutionize the way you work and pave the way for a brighter future


Ready To Take The LEAP ?

In the midst of your entrepreneurial journey, you've crafted a vision and rallied a team around your dream. Yet, as your business has grown, so have the complexities and demands that come with it.

Your days are filled with operational minutiae, leaving you with little time to focus on innovation, strategy, and scaling your empire. The gears of progress seem to be clogged with manual processes, stifling the very growth you envisioned.

Meet the Wizard of Tech—a visionary in the realm of technology and automation. She understands the delicate balance between ambition and operational efficiency.

With a proven method of scaling Million Dollar Businesses she is breathing life into businesses through technology, she stands ready to guide you out of the administrative labyrinth. No longer shall you be imprisoned by inefficiency; together, you'll forge a new path, one where technology is harnessed to elevate your team's potential and amplify your business's growth by a minimum of 33%.


I’m here for entrepreneurs just like you…

It starts with you

If you are overwhelmed by tech tools and automations, struggle to balance workload and respond to client requests/colleagues in a timely matter, you want to take a step back of the drivers seat of your business or if you even have more leads than you or your team can handle. Then it is time for a change

I understand your needs

I am a busienss owner myself. I have run a successful marketing agency that almost crubled under the weight of our success. And with that the world of automations opened up for me. 3 years and 50+ businessses later, I know exactly where you are and where you want to go. And believe me when I say this: Nothing is impossible!

Result oriented

Coming from a performance marketing background, believe me, everything is result driven.

Every change and every step that is going to be suggested in the Ultimate transformation plan is 100% data driven.

It is a numbers game.

I will not only look into you systems but I will exactly show you, by how much you can grow or save time, when implementing the changes.

So far my track record has a MINIMUM of 33% Conversion Rate growth.

But it is not just about numbers it is about freedom and rest. Taking a step back. Going on vacation with the family without stressing and still having to work around the activity schedule of your kids.

And full disclosure, I will NOT sponsor any tool or force you to aquire anything you don't want. Personalization starts with YOU. I am here to tailor a system that fits to you not to me or any other business guru out there!

Out of your comfort zone

Change requires trust. And you will need to trust me to tell me everything about your business. No BS. You must step out of your comfort zone and be honest with yourself. Yes, your baby is perfect, but is it? What makes you feel exhausted just by the thought of doing it in the morning? What doesn't bring you joy in your business? What are things you don't like doing but you know have to be done? What are things "nobody else but you" can do?

Are you sure you need that control? Can you trust me that I have your best interest at heart and know that systems work better then people?

Let's step out of your comfort zone and let me show you a different path to success.


This is what you’ll get

Needles to say, this will be achieved only if you as well put your time and effort into the trajectory. 😉

Efficient Time Management:

We will help you save precious time by optimizing your organization's processes and automating repetitive tasks. This allows you and your team to focus on high-value activities and strategic initiatives. Or just take a step back and take a breather

Future-Proofing Your Business:

Technology is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses. We help future-proof your organization by keeping you updated on the latest trends, tools, and strategies, ensuring that you remain competitive in today's rapidly changing business landscape.

And a fancy Bonus: You won't need to stress out if one of your best players leave the team, because systems never send you their 2 weeks notice 😉

1Streamlined Customer Journey:

We are specialized in creating a seamless customer experience. By implementing the right tools and automation, we ensure that your customers' interactions with your business are smooth, personalized, and enjoyable, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

We see your system as a whole and not stand alone departments in your company.

Increased Productivity:

With our expertise, you can free up more time for your team by automating manual processes. This boosts productivity and empowers your employees to work on tasks that require their unique skills and expertise.

No more dreadful data entries, stacks of reminder post-its or hour long hand overs when you want to go on holiday.

Customised Solutions:

We understand that every business is unique. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs, providing customized solutions that align with your goals, industry, and target audience.

And if we happen to have a winning strategy coming from a competitor we will for sure mention it to you. (Not the competitor, just the strategy 😉).

Because we don't need to reinvent the wheel, just bringing you to the finish line.

Enhanced Profitability: (Avg. of 33% Growth)

By leveraging the power of automation and technology, we help you optimize your operations, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. This ultimately leads to increased profitability and a healthier bottom line for your business.

As one of my clients once said "We’ve made back 8 times what we spent on your services."

Expert Guidance:

As the Wizards of Tech, we bring a wealth of expertise and industry knowledge to the table. We have worked with 6-8 figure business all around the world. We know the standart pitfalls but also that your system is not like any other. Markets and people are different and so should your system.

We offer guidance and support throughout the entire process, ensuring that you make informed decisions and maximize the benefits of automation and technology for your unique needs.

No choice overwhelm but high level custom solutions.

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

Sound like a great fit for you?

Before we started working with Maria Cristina, things were a bit all over the place.We had different people trying to fix different things, but nothing really clicked. Then Maria came along.

Right from the start, she just got us.

She took a good look at how we did things and came back with a plan that made sense.

Thanks to her, our deal closure rate jumped from 9% to 12%.

That’s a third more deals and value for us! She set up this automated system that made everything easier for our sales team.

No more getting stuck in the boring stuff; they could focus on selling. And the leads? They don’t go cold anymore.

The best part?

We’ve made back 8 times what we spent on Maria’s services. Our sales and marketing are on fire, and we’re spending less on ads because we’ve got so many potential deals lined up. Everything in our business, from the first hello to sealing the deal, has improved because of Maria. She’s got this knack for seeing the little details and making everything connect. To put it simply, since Maria came on board, we’ve been making money every month. And we’re still growing! I’d tell anyone to work with her... just not our competitors, okay?

Neil & Caroline CEO & CTO of Regional Broadband

"Maria boosted my time saving like Crazy. I love how she knows how to connect everything in my business."

Jesus Pacheco Founder of Akita

"I am no longer flodded with work when we onboard clients. Actually I am now happy to take on new clients! I am not afraid anymore and I feel much more in control of our processes that we have in place."

Raoul Van Heerden - Founder of eCom-Ads


What others say about my services

Maria Cristina emerged as the true game-changer for my business. She possesses an extraordinary eye for detail, catching every nuance, every minor oversight. Her communication is impeccably clear and transparent, ensuring there’s never ambiguity in understanding. In a single interview, she distilled my vision, converting it into an automation strategy that ensured my business worked for me, rather than the other way around. Simply put, discovering Maria Cristina’s expertise has been the most revolutionary moment for my business since the invention of sliced bread.

Vincent Founder of ProjectPivot

"I was blown away by the opportunities she presented me that were lying in my own business. It was a power packed session."

Danny Den Hartog - Online Business Coach & Founder of Coach Africa

"After working with Maria I finally started getting things done. I got awareness, clarity, more peace and I was gaining time to spend with my family. After she set up my Lead Flow automation I immediately started getting clients."

Anca - Helping married woman to revive their marriagers


Do you really need a system revamp?

Perhaps you're pondering whether a complete tech transformation is the vital puzzle piece missing from your business. You might be contemplating yet another business coach, more strategies, and a thousand to-do's that seem impossible to fit into your schedule. Or perhaps you're simply seeking reassurance that there's truly nothing more that can be automated in your business.

Consider this: even the most seasoned captain needs a sturdy ship to navigate uncharted waters.

In the vast realm of technology, there are hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed—innovations that can redefine your business operations.

Maria, the Wizard of Tech, is your seasoned captain, guiding your ship to harness the full potential of automation.

Think of it as embarking on a voyage toward a transformed business landscape—a landscape where your organization sails smoothly with newfound efficiency. In this journey, you can focus on what you do best while Maria's expertise sets your course toward a tech-empowered future.

As the saying goes, you don't know what you don't know until you dare to explore. So, embrace this opportunity to dive into the realm of automation. Let the voyage toward a revitalized and automated business commence today, under the skilled guidance of the Wizard of Tech.


Ready To Get Started?

The Ultimate Transformation

Experience a complete automation & tech makeover, done for you

Here´s what´s included:


- Flexible Brain-Picking Sessions

- The Full Audit Creation

- Private Slack Channel

- Comprehensive Build Plan

- Video Audit

- Access to my knowledge, experience, and ideas based on competitor builds*


*I am not sharing any confidential information about my clients but I will take inspiration from their successful running builds and apply them onto yours, if I see that the strategy and business goals align.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

How does your product work?

In je bedrijf en voor jou als ondernemer? Je wilt je business op een duurzame manier laten groeien, weg met dat uurtje-factuurtje

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